Friday, July 30, 2010

Weekend Fun

Tonight, D and I are headed to a friend's wedding. He's a bit under the weather (I think I gave him what I had last week), but I'm still looking forward to dancing :)

Tomorrow, we're heading to the Quiet Corner to take care of some details and maybe pick up some delicious wine. We need to set up some of our activities, like the wine tasting. We also need to tie down a few loose ends in contracts and get started on our information-booklet gathering mission for our guests

I also have an appointment with the second of two (yes, only two) hair salons in the area that do weddings. It's hard to find a good hair place a couple of hours away, especially when I have no idea who to ask! I've asked some younger female vendors for references, but all roads seem to lead back to the same places.

On a completely unrelated note, it's funny to think of all the weddings we imagined ourselves having, but didn't end up going for in the end...

Have a good weekend!

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