Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Transportation Troubles

We fell in love with the Quiet Corner in large part because of its rural beauty. The winding roads passing through farms and fields, the peace and quiet with few other cars on the road, the stars brilliant in the sky at night. Yet it is that rural nature that also concerns us when it comes to our guests. We have chosen a 1000-acre farm for our reception, off a small winding road in the countryside. The stars are brilliant at night because the surrounding land is pitch black. Guests will be staying at several B&Bs tucked away on country lanes 15-20 minutes away, as well as a hotel a town away.

D and I have been to the Quiet Corner numerous times and feel fairly comfortable driving around -- at least when it is light out. When darkness falls, we still miss turns and question whether we are lost sometimes.

So we are fairly certain that our guests, never having been in the area, may have some difficulty finding their way around when it's light out, nevermind once the sun goes down. Add a wedding reception -- and a drink or two over the evening -- into the mix and we worry that people will have a hard time getting home.

We decided to provide shuttles to the ceremony/reception and home from the reception so that our guests do not have to worry. Now we just hope that the transportation is there when we need it. We understand (and usually love) that things in the Quiet Corner are done a bit differently. For example, vendors don't all have contracts to be signed. We technically have a contract for our shuttles, but the owner of the transportation company (the only one in the area) has been a bit difficult to reach at times... So it looks like we may spend the next two months confirming and re-confirming and re-re-confirming that we will, in fact, have drivers to take care of our guests after our reception.

I know that in the end it will all work out. If worst comes to worst, we have relatives who will be *more* familiar with the area who prefer to drive themselves and will be able to help others get home. But it's still stressful at just over two months out to have to cross my fingers and hope at this point!

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