Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To Seat or Not to Seat...

We're having a buffet dinner in a restaurant that happens to be in a barn. A barn with many tables of different sizes, situated in several rooms.

When we thought about doing a seating plan, we got worried that it would be impossible or close to that. Our initial thought was to let people seat themselves. We're really striving for a wedding where people come in for the weekend and get to know each other. We've kept it as small as possible and included just our closest friends and family, many of whom know each other (or who we really want to meet each other because we think they'll hit it off). So we figured that people would mingle at pre-wedding activities and cocktail hour, and even as they headed through the buffet line, and then sit down with their new best friends wherever tables were open.

But then we thought about weddings we had attended. And we thought about our guests and how they would feel being forced to find seating (at such odd size tables!). We worried that a group of 5 friends from one place might sit together at a table of 8, with 3 spots left over where two couples that wanted to fit together couldn't. Or that the 5 wouldn't be able to sit together because all that was left would be seats in 1's and 2's at tables of 12. Or that we'd be so busy making sure people found places to sit that we'd miss each other and most of our reception in the process.

So we've decided, for better or worse, to dress it up a little and plan the seating out. And we're thinking it may not look half bad when we finish it up!

*Photos in this post are either by D and me or from the Golden Lamb.*

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