Monday, July 26, 2010

Starting to Feel Like a Bride

We have been in the midst of a flurry of wedding activity here and the wedding is really coming together. And I've finally gotten into and and am now having fun and enjoying being a Bride!

The flowers are set, although I do keep wavering on all white vs. colored flowers for me. I thought I wanted all white but saw a gorgeous bouquet at the farmers market this weekend - white lilies mixed with white something else that was dainty and looked wildflower-ish. They were divine! I saw this little girl who happened to be in a white dress walking around the market holding them, and immediately thought of them for my wedding. Except they're not really for fall...

Invitations have gone out and responses have come back. Reading the messages from people has been so much fun as we open each response. And it's been great to start collecting song requests too :) I've also learned how important it is to respond ASAP for weddings to give the bride peace of mind getting her responses before the deadline. And I also missed another bride's deadline in the midst of everything :( We've registered, and even received our first gifts! And while I like presents as much as anyone, it's even more fun coming home to our new house each day, and if there's a package, knowing that inside is something we will use to make our home here for years to come.

D and I have also been working on our ceremony and making sure we don't lose sight of us... or lose the forest for the trees as he likes to say.

I can't believe it's just 75 days away! I can't wait until I'm here, looking out my window at this view :)

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