Thursday, July 8, 2010

Or Not...

Yeah, so the wedding planning kick did not last very long. In fact, I never even made it back to the stationery store for the invites. Nor did I make it back to the florist. And I almost missed the hard deadline for ordering bridesmaid dresses. (A huge thank you to all of my awesome bridesmaids!) I spent a few months not doing wedding planning (more than a few if you add on those earlier months too), and it showed!

But, now in the last week or so, progress has been made.
- D and I found -- and ordered! -- invitations we liked. And we started addressing them last night over some wine :)
- Flowers have been ordered. My mom decided to just move forward since I wasn't hugely interested in it.
- Makeup artist has been reserved. She was so sweet, she kept me "penciled in" for about 3 months, even though I never sent her the deposit check I was supposed to send.
- We have transportation. (Although we are still trying to get the guy with the shuttle vans for our guests to send us a contract...)
- We put some items on our registries.
- We decided on and booked our honeymoon.

- We hashed through details of the rehearsal dinner with D's family.
- We assigned rooms for our relatives and closest friends. (Somehow those 18 rooms were one of the biggest challenges in our planning to date.)

- We had our engagement session photo shoot. And it was fun!

What prompted this flurry?
- A friend got engaged and entirely planned her (small) wedding in just the few months I was ignoring mine.
- I started a new job in design and once again enjoyed design and planning beautiful things.
- Our original wedding date approached (and passed) - 7/4/10. It was bittersweet, but it made me realize that this planning only happens once and also reminded me that the new wedding is coming up SOON. (It also helped me remember how much planning I had done for that wedding and why I was a bit burned out going into this!)

- We passed the 100 day mark until our wedding.
- We bought a new house (if I can do that, I can plan a wedding, right?) and we moved -- and were forced to confront our wedding papers and half-done to-do lists.

- We did our engagement photo session and had a blast. Between that fun day and reviewing the pictures after, we renewed our enthusiasm about the wedding. (If I can figure out how to post pictures from that, I will.)

Now I can hopefully stay on track. And maybe even get motivated to work out a bit? I can dream...

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