Saturday, February 20, 2010


Our Valentine's Day weekend getaway was amazing. We stayed at the Elias Child House in Woodstock, CT, an antique home dating back to the very early 1700s. The house has original details including a fireplace in every room. We enjoyed spending more time exploring the Quiet Corner and just being still - a favorite activity was simply watching the sunset over the fields out our window while sipping some champagne or wine. They also had wonderful hiking trails through their 50 acre property and neighbors' lands as well. It was a wonderful slow-down escape.

We also spent a fair amount of time with the B&B owners, MaryBeth and Tony, and the other couples staying for the weekend. (Cue the "It's a Small World" music: one of the three other couples lives literally two blocks from us.) We enjoyed long lingering breakfasts (after about 1.5 hours one morning I actually was like ok I neeeeed to get moving...) and also spent a really fun and unique night bottling our own wine at a local vineyard, Taylor Brooke Winery. The night did get a tiny bit rowdy as the wine flowed and the hours passed, but the room got quiet as each new course of the gourmet dinner was served and people savored the food (and wine).

When we returned home, I did not want to be on the computer. But, almost a week later, I am up early on a Saturday morning and looking for something to do before breakfast, so I think my internet hiatus is over.

The only downside of the weekend: we forgot our cameras. (Neither of us remembered to pack one!) So we have no pictures to share. Or at least no pictures that we can share at this time -- I did take pictures on my cell phone, which has a decent camera and even has its own microdisc like the regular camera. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get those pictures off of the phone and onto my computer now... grr! Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. cute blog hun!
    i'm planning a wedding right now too, for september! :)
    the only way i know how to get pics off my phone is to email them to myself....i'm sure there is some technical way but emailing them to my home or work comp works just as well!!! :-)
