Tuesday, February 9, 2010

8 Months

8 months from today, at just about this time, our wedding will be over, the reception will be winding down and our married life will be just beginning. It's a somewhat surreal thought -- even though D and I sometimes feel married, it's still pretty intense to imagine the actual commitment.

[Photo from Colonial Meetinghouses of New England]

Last night, D and I starting working through materials sent by our celebrants-to-be. We have some readings we really like and want to incorporate and they have some great ideas for other elements of our ceremony.

We also worked through some ceremony music. I love love love Pachelbel's Canon and have since I was young, before I knew it was a traditional song for a bride's entrance. I always imagined I would walk down the aisle to that song. But as bride after bride walked to it in movie after movie, I started to feel ambivalent about it. I still loved the song, but I was not sure about having that be THE song. Then, last night, we had a bit of an inspiration and thought up a bunch of songs for the ceremony. Dave's long-time music teacher will be our pianist and can rock out any songs we select. I remembered a song Dave learned for me early on when we were dating(one which this same teacher helped him learn) and we thought about whether that might work for a bridal entrance. After some thinking, we're hoping to have Dave's teacher rework that song for a perfectly us entrance.

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