Sunday, August 8, 2010

Busy Sunday

There is less than one week until my bridal shower and bachelorette party and I am beyond excited! I get to see all my closest friends, all together, for a fun-filled girly weekend :)

The plan involves the girls staying over at D's and my new house, and it will be the first time any of them have seen it. It will also be the ultimate test - fitting 7 or 8 girls onto a bed, a futon, a couch and a few air mattresses, all within 800 square feet. Hopefully the house is up for the challenge!

D and I spent today doing a lot of cleaning. Just like I plan to glam up for the weekend's festivities, the house gets to as well. Last year when we moved into our last rental, we moved in at the end of June and had a 4th of July party planned for a bunch of people. We unpacked FAST. This year, with our new house that we own, we wanted to take our time and unpack carefully since we will hopefully be here for years (or decades!) and we wanted to be smart about it. We tentatively planned a housewarming party, but were quite unmotivated on the unpacking and didn't go forward with it. So the house has not been warmed yet. And as of today, much still had not been unpacked.

As of this evening, a lot has been done. More boxes have been emptied, recycled and contents sorted and put away. We've been here a month and used this day to re-organize certain things around the way we've been using the house. We also gave here a good top to bottom cleaning. We've been good (very good for us!) about cleaning frequently, but a house full of guests motivated us to get all the corners and little areas we might otherwise rush through. We'll clean once more on Friday before the Saturday festivities.

Then I just get to sit back, relax and enjoy the company of all the women I love most in this world. I can't wait!!

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